Work in Progress

The Discovery Meeting is a formidable group of transformational visionaries dedicated to creating great changes and opportunities in healthcare.

Mission Statement Meeting Participants

The Discovery Meeting logo dandelion puff conveys an image of full potential. We see the Discovery Meeting to be a model for communities across the country – and potentially worldwide - creating a network and information database of healthcare institutions, providers, people and their stories. The network and database can serve to generate a “groundswell” of support for integrating the arts and creative innovation into healthcare delivery pathways.

We are the vanguard of a movement that is already coming into form. Patients and practitioners everywhere are experiencing art and creativity as a powerful component of the healing process.

Our current project is The Art of Health: Ways of Creativity & Healing in America, a ten-part television documentary. Today a shift is needed so that we may take the first step. The Art of Health is that shift. What better way to raise awareness and evoke people’s innate capacity to heal?

For information about Discovery Meeting, contact: Susan Bayley